Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time to get CrAcKiN'!!

Orders, Orders!! I absolutely love getting them in!!! It makes me very proud to be able to make something personal for others to use or to give as gifts!
Goals to achieve for the Boutique:
1. Get current orders completed and shipped out
2. Build Facebook account with pictures and products
3. Build account with more pictures, products
4. Work on profiles on both Etsy and Facebook

Let's see how far I get on these!!

Next week should be the beginning of a new schedule! Plus no more driving to Lubbock everyday or so to work!! I will be working just 5 minutes from the house for 5 hours a day! This will allow me to dedicate even more time to my family and also to my sewing!!

I have several projects that I would like to work on once I get orders caught, starting with reorganizing my sewing room. I have gotten so much stuff lately that I dont know where to put it all!!!

Well gotta go get some rest!!