Coupons for Swappin'

Okay so I am going to try to post coupons that I have that I will not use (I'd hate for them to go to waste!)  So if you see one (or more) on a product(s) that you use or would like to try, just let me know and I will mail them to ya!!  This is about the easy way that I can think of to try not to let "free money" go to waste!

Dove Men Deodrant  (X2)   $2 off 2 at Target   exp 6/28/11
Crest 3D Whitestrips (X2)   $7 off 1  Mfg. coupon  exp 9/30/12
Gillette Clinical Deodrant or any 2 Deo.  $2 off  Mfg. coupon   exp 9/30/12
Nivea for Men Face Care (X3)  $2 off  Mfg. coupon  exp 7/30/11
$2 off 72 ct Huggies wipes w/purchase of 52 ct. Huggies Jeans diapers  Target cpn.  exp 6/28/11
Swiffer Starter Kit  $2 off  Mfg. coupon  exp 6/30/11
Bounce Dryer Bar   (X2)   $1 off   Mfg. coupon  exp 9/30/12

If you want any of these you can email me at or message me on Facebook!

Just a little reference to my short hand!
Target coupons can only be used at Target (try to stack w/Manufacturer coupon & a sale)
Mfg. Coupon (Manufacturer Coupon) can be used anywhere! (try to stack with a sale)
(X2) means that I have 2 of these coupons or however many is with the X