Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I've Been Such a Slacker...

I am so sorry its been like 2 weeks since I have posted!!  It has been super crazy around our house lately!  We have started T-Ball with the Munchkin #1, so there has been practices and our first 2 games last week.  So far it has been fun and interesting watching all of those little girls play!  My husband has also been working nonstop finishing up the new front porch and walkways!  We even planted flowers and put mulch down last weekend!  He worked really hard to have it all done for the munchkins' Birthday Bash and Easter Egg Hunt this past Saturday.  Thankfully my awesome boss let us off on Friday, so we got to get a bunch of stuff finished up and ready for the big party.  We had a really good turn out and just enjoyed getting to spend the afternoon with some awesome family and friends (that's the best thing about having a "party"!!!) 

So as you can imagine I haven't seen much of my beloved sewing machine lately and I think I am starting to have symptoms of withdrawal...I could've probably sewed some last night but I guess I am still recuperating from this past weekends activities.  I feel like we had 3 solid days of nothing but going and going!  So now its time to crack my own whip at myself and get back to working on my To-Do List...although I am excited to get a couple of new projects completed.  I, as well as a couple of others that I know, are very curious to see how they turn out!  (I will let you in on them later if they turn out okay and if they don't I still might tell you about them!)

Here is a pic of my new remodeled front yard!!
This is the front walkway--sorry its sideways!

And the new porch, front walkway, & beginnings of the side walkway!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Long, Lost Pictures

Okay so I finally remembered my camera today!  And I am so sorry I do not take very good pictures! But these are just a few of the pics that I have because I still need to steal my mom's camera (there are more on her fancier camera & probably better pics too).

Lime green hooded towel with ZEBRA!  I'm always excited to do ANYTHING with Zebra!

Nursing Cover---sorry its side ways...  :(

1st Eye Pillow
My Eye Pillow with its satiny case...

And my 1st Boppy Pillow Cover that I told you about last week...it didn't turn out too bad

And the matching Nursing Cover
And that is some of the things that I have worked on in the last couple of months!  I promise to try to do better about posting pictures as I go and not submit you to several months worth at one time!!!  UGH once again I am so sorry!!  But I will tell you I have a couple of new styles of Hooded Towels coming your way, needless to say this weekend was very successful in shopping with Mrs. G!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New To-Do List

Ok thanks to the Hubby (and yes I am putting a majority of the blame on him) I barely got started on my To-Do List from last weekend.  Instead we ended up tearing out the front walkway and entire front porch--it was Monday before my ears quit ringing from 2 days of listening to a jackhammer outside my front door.  However I did make my 1st boppy pillow cover with help from Vanilla Joy and I also made a matching nursing cover for a really great friend's sister-in-law.  I used this pattern that Vanilla Joy supplies on her site and altered it some by not using a zipper and made it close like a pillow sham.  I also got the last batch of my custom orders packed up and shipped out.  It might not have been very productive in the garage/sewing room, but it was an overall productive weekend around our little house!

But now I have another To-Do List (I'm still going to work on the other one too!!)
  • master a pattern for the Rachel Ray moppine towels (my mom has been waiting for like 2 months for these, I probably need to make them a priority!)
  • create a pattern/design for a boot bag
  • make up some more bandana/pillowcase dresses
  • make more Cool 'em Totes
  • AND of course keep making more Feed Sack Totes!
And these are just a few of the things I would like to work on! Now these are just a few of the projects that I work on in between orders, so I should stay plenty busy!

Until later Peeps...

Monday, April 4, 2011

For All of Us Cowgirls Who Love Our Boots...

Okay apparently it is time for me to start a new project!  And guess what Peeps its for you ladies that never fail to leave to house for the weekend or trip without at least 1 pair of boots in tow!!  Cus I know I usually have at least 2 pair tucked under my arm as we are heading out the door!

I'm going to attempt to figure out a pattern and make a "STYLISH" boot bag because this was an awesome suggestion by one of the besties, Mrs. G.  We know how most of us women, ladies, and girlies love Vera Bradley luggage/bags and others like it; but do any of them make bags for our precious cowboy boots?  Well if they do I definitely haven't found any during my hours of Googling.  Most of the ones that I found were a solid colored canvas, vinyl or expensive leather.

So my plan is to get some quilted fabric (I found a couple of cute prints at the local Hancocks!), and see if my Hubby still has a vinyl or canvas boot bag (he had one at some point in time--that is if I didn't garage sale it!) to use as a pattern.  Apparently I am going to have to come up with my own pattern so this should be VERY interesting...

Somebody please say a prayer for me and thanks Mrs. G for giving me a new challenge!

If any of you fellow Peeps have any suggestions on fabric or other material give me a shout!!  I would love to hear from ya!!

Later Peeps and Beloved Boots...

Friday, April 1, 2011

*Weekend Project*

So this weekend I AM determined to work on our garage turned office/sewing/craft center!  I have slowly worked started on this project a couple of different times this winter on an occassional evening or 2.  Then I have to leave it to work on something else and 2 weeks later it looks worse than it did before I worked on it last time.  How the heck does this happen?  I know you are probably thinking "excuses, excuses."  So here is the  To-Do List:  (I figured if I wrote it down/blogged it then I might, just might, get half way through the list)

  1. sort through books
  2. sort through office paperwork
  3. sort fabric scraps
  4. organize current orders/projects
  5. straighten shelves & sewing supplies
  6. dust/vacuum walls
  7. sweep
  8. rearrange tubs/boxes
  9. move unnecessary stuff to cellar
  10. set up old kitchen table for sewing
Okay I think this is a decent list to get started with, considering some of the these I might have to recruit the Hubbs to assist me!!  Hehe and he doesn't even know it yet!!  Shh don't tell him, I like to catch him off guard with the honey-dos!
With all of my comings and going lately my sewing area looks like a tornado has hit it.  And I really need to get it tackled before I start any new projects!  So if I dont show back up in the next few days, please send someone to find me in our garage somewhere!!  Because this is where I will be either cleaning or finishing a couple of orders!